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Transform Your Images into 3D

Now the next step is to develop your 2D drawing into a 3D sculpture.

Use Tinkercad to develop your 3D artwork.

3D Shapes
3D Shape

Next, Critique

Watch this tutorial video to learn how to use the program.  


Then, develop an artwork that translates what you drew in 2D into a 3D object.

As a class, participate in a group critique of your 2D and 3D objects together. 


Spend about 5 minutes talking about each project.  Everyone needs to present and speak at least twice during the discussion.

After creating your 3D artwork and critique, reflect with the following questions:


1) Did you enjoy creating in the 2D or 3D of this project more?  Why do you think this was more enjoyable for you?


2) How effective were your 3D and 2D projects in representing the senses? Why or why not?


3)If given the chance to do this project again, what would you change about it?


Type up your responses and post them to the Google Classroom private comments.  Take photos of your artwork, both screenshots of your design and the printed object, and post them as well.

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