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Teacher's Page

Curriculum Standards

VA:Cr1.1.Ia: Use multiple approaches to begin creative endeavors.


VA:Pr4.1.IIa: Analyze, select, and critique personal artwork for a collection or portfolio presentation.


VA:Re8.1.Ia: Interpret an artwork or collection of works, supported by relevant and sufficient evidence found in the work and its various contexts.


VA:Cn10.1.Ia: Document the process of developing ideas from early stages to fully elaborated ideas.

Students/Age Range

The Webquest is meant for students who are in late middle school or high school and can be adapted to fit into any grade level. This Webquest requires no proficient skills other than basic computer knowledge. This project can help you learn more about three-dimensional printing and creative ideas from our other senses.

Evaluation of Work

Students will participate in a group critique/presentation after the completion of their projects. Students are required to talk about their work at least one time and comment on at least on one artwork from another classmate. Students should also look at how their work compares to another classmate's work.

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