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You Become a Synesthete!

As a class, grab drawing materials and spend some time outside listening, smelling, and paying full attention to your reaction to these sensory experiences. 


Banana Leaf
 Colorful Bird
Big Leaf

Draw what comes to mind from spending this time outdoors. After ten minutes, grab a partner and explain what you have drawn and the senses that developed that image. 

Colorful Pattern
Brush Stroke
Blue Curl Pattern

After coming back inside, use your sketches as a study for creating a drawing or painting.


  Stick to the theme of creating an image that will visually represent the senses. 

Watercolor Stain Transparent

After Completing your finished drawing/painting, reflect with the following questions:


1) What surprised you about this experience?  Was it easy or difficult to create art in this way? Why?


2) What aspect of the materials you used helped to reflect your sensory experiences? What inhibited them from showing those senses?


3) How do you see yourself applying this experience to your other artwork, or how could you develop this process further?












Type up your answers and post them to the Google Classroom private comments when you are finished.  Take photos of your artwork and post them as well.

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